CF4Hep Beta Release 0.5

A first concurrent Gaudi beta release 0.5 was released on Fri 28, 2013. 
This is the first step towards enabling the Gaudi event processing framework for running on many-core machines. It enables the framework to 

  • Execute multiple algorithms in parallel
  • Process multiple events in parallel
  • Clone of non thread-safe algorithms

A few example workflows in GaudiHive/options show this new functionality. 
Together with this release goes an adjusted vertex locator (VELO) local reconstruction of LHCb ("MiniBrunel"), showing the scaling potential of the prototype. This is shown in the plot on this page.
More details about how to install and use concurrent Gaudi v 0.5 can be found at
 The Concurrent Gaudi Team


A first concurrent Gaudi beta release 0.5 is great!

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