Announcing first Forum meeting

 We will start regular bi-weekly meetings to share knowledge and discuss progress on a number of 'demonstrators' that were identified in the last Workshop on Concurrency in the Multi-Cores Era help in November. The tine slot is Wednesday at 17:00 (CET) for maximum 1h30. We have booked the room 32-1-A24 for people at CERN and setup a corresponding EVO video meeting for remote participation.
The first meeting will take place this Wednesday 11th of January. We will start with a series of very short presentations from the people who expressed interest to work on the demonstrators. These 2-3 slides presentations should contain information on what their demonstrator is about, what tools and techniques they would be using and what they would like to achieve in 3 months time. Exceptionally, next meeting will be one week later on the January 18th to continue with the short presentations.
The provisional agenda is available at