Geant4 MT


Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. Its areas of application include high energy, nuclear and accelerator physics, as well as  studies in medical and space science. An effort is ongoing in order to provide a parallel version of it.

A prototype multi-threaded version, Geant4MT, parallelizes at the event level.  The source code of the prototype is distributed separately from the production (sequential) Geant4, and is available [].  Geant4MT was shown to be able to simulate a realistic HEP detector model, a version of the CMS geometry from 2008. . The threads share the geometry and EM-process cross sections as read only data.

The cost of the creation of extra workers represent only a small fraction of the total memory (the estimate is about an extra 20 MB per thread). One of the goals of this product is to achieve 100% reproducibility of the simulation.


  1. Status of Geant4MT, J. Apostolakis, September 26th 2012
  2. Demonstrators for Multi-Threaded Geant4, J. Apostolakis, March 28th 2012
  3. Geant4 Performance, Ph. Canal, September 22nd 2011, Geant4 Collaboration Meeting
  4. G4 MT Prototype Website

Related Topics

  1. 'Data locality effect in G4' demonstrator, Ph. Canal, January 18th 2012